![]() ![]() mriedel@div.duke.edu
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![]() Conference Papers and Public Lectures
'Jews as Byzantine Christians' at the American Society of Church History annual conference,
Chicago, Illinois, USA (January 2019)
'Supernatural courage in a small frame or, How an Armenian ruled the Greeks' at the Southeastern Medieval Association
annual conference, Nassau, Bahamas (November 2018)
'Kashrut in Byzantium' at the 44th Byzantine Studies Conference of the Byzantine Studies Association of North America,
San Antonio, Texas, USA (October 2018)
'Heresies and Heretics in Early Medieval Byzantium',
at workshop entitled Inclusion and Exclusion in the Late Antique and Early Medieval Mediterranean,
Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA, USA (April 2018)
'Byzantine Romans and 'Abbasid Muslims: Shifting ethnonyms in medieval imperial literature',
American Society of Church History annual conference, Washington, DC, USA (January 2018)
'The Power of Three Famous Relics from Syrian Hierapolis',
Southeastern Medieval Association, Charleston, SC, USA (November 2017)
'Byzantine "chosenness" in the preaching of Leo VI',
Byzantine Studies Association of North America Annual Conference,
Twin Cities, MN, USA (October 2017)
'The Bones of St Andrew: Relic Migration and the Power of Holiness', Cultures, Hopes, and Conflicts.
The Mediterranean between Land and Sea, Salerno, Italy (September 2017)
'We are all Hussites: Luther, Boniface VIII and the Eastern Theology of Hus' De ecclesia',
International Society of Biblical Literature, Berlin, Germany (August 2017)
'The Hand of Blessing: A Relic Precious to Christians and Muslims in the Tenth Century',
Medieval Academy of America Annual Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada (April 2017)
'God has sent the thunder: The Role of Religion in the Taktika of Leo VI',
Canadian Society of Medievalists: Greek & Roman Military Manuals, Winnipeg, MB, Canada (October 2016)
'Baghdad to Constantinople: Building Identity Where Power Dwelt'
Southeastern Medieval Association Annual Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA (October 2016)
'Photios' Hermeneutics for Wisdom Literature in Amphilochia 9'
International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, Serbia (August 2016)
'Citizens of Heaven, or of Hell?'
Southeastern Medieval Association Annual Conference, Little Rock, AR, USA (October 2015)
'Heresy from the west: The Byzantine view of transubstantiation'
Midwest Medieval History Conference, Terre Haute, IN, USA (October 2015)
'Byzantium: Republic or Empire?'
International Society of Biblical Literature, Buenos Aires, Argentina (July 2015)
'Echoes of Scripture in Byzantine Political Identity'
International Society of Biblical Literature, Vienna, Austria (July 2014)
'The Legitimation of Power: Imperial novellae, ecclesiastical canons and one creative emperor'
New College Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Sarasota, FL, USA (March 2014)
'The Unknowability of God: The Role of Scripture in the Orthodox Theology of Divine Darkness'
The 38th Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Conference (PMR), Villanova University, The Augustinian Institute, Villanova, PA, USA (October 2013)
'The Image of Edessa: Power from the Periphery'
Southeastern Medieval Association, Annual Conference, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, USA (October 2013)
'From Innovation to Restoration: The legacy of Constantine in tenth-century Byzantium'
The 37th Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Conference (PMR), Villanova University, The Augustinian Institute, Villanova, PA, USA (October 2012)
'What has Isaac to do with Ishmael? The story of the coexistence of Christians and Muslims from AD 622-2012'
The Issachar Summer Lecture Series, Public Lecture at the Medford Memorial Community Center, Medford, NJ, USA (July 2012)
'How the Byzantines used the Bible: Christian Political Identity and Warfare with the Abbasid Caliphate'
Public Lecture at Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC, USA (February 2012)
'The Unseen Image of Edessa: Palladium, Propaganda, and Polemic'
2011 Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, program unit "Religious World of Late Antiquity"
San Francisco, CA, USA (November 2011)
'Christians in the Roman Army: From Decimation to Domination'
2011 Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, program unit "Construction of Christian Identities"
San Francisco, CA, USA (November 2011)
'A Christian philosophy of warfare? Internal evidence for the shape and purpose of the Taktika of Leo VI'
Byzantine Studies Conference
Chicago, IL, USA (October 2011)
'Battle Speeches and Byzantine Chosenness'
The 44th Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies 2011
Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK (April 2011)
'The Taktika of Leo VI and the Opposition of Ideologies'
Oxford Byzantine Studies Seminar (Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Research),
University of Oxford, UK (November 2010)
'The Sacrality of a Sovereign: Leo VI and politics in middle Byzantium'
Zwei Sonnen am Goldenen Horn?
Internationale Tagung am Exzellenzcluster über weltliche und geistliche Macht in Konstantinopel.
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany (November 2010)
`The Forty-Two Martyrs of Amorion and the Memory of Byzantium'
Byzantine Studies Conference of North America
Florida State University, Sarasota, USA (November 2009)
`The Face of Christ in Byzantium: an assessment of the Mandylion icon'
Oxford Graduate Student Annual Conference
Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Research, Oxford, UK (February 2009)
`Two military orations of Constantine VII'
Byzantine Studies Conference of North America
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (October 2007)
`Islamo-Christian Dialogue in the Middle Byzantine Era'
Postgraduate Forum in Byzantine Studies
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (April 2007)
`Ninth-century Arab-Christian apologetics in the caliphate'
Oxford Graduate Student Annual Conference
Lincoln College, Oxford, UK (February 2007)
'Orthodox Faith in Byzantine Warfare: Views of the Macedonian Dynasty' (poster)
XXI International Congress of Byzantine Studies
London, England, UK (August 2006)
`Holy War and Christian Religion: Past, Present and Future'
Exploring Cultural Perspectives Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece (July 2006)
`Who wrote the De velitatione bellica?'
Oxford Graduate Student Annual Conference
Lincoln College, Oxford, UK (February 2006)
`Why can't a Roman be more like a Saracen? The Taktika of Leo VI the Wise and
Tenth-Century Byzantine-Arab Warfare'
Texas Medieval Association Annual Conference
University of Dallas, Dallas, TX, USA (September 2004)